Site Credits
'The Mermaid' painting (on Homepage) by Howard Pyle, 1910
The Mermaid (this page) and Chickadee (Music page) by Margie Van Auken
Other watercolors by Steve Frost
Lindy Bird's Sweet Song of Blessing is an adaptation of 'Here and Now' written by Elisabeth Pixley-Fink - Performed by Anezka Drazil (aka Lindy Bird).
Soul Detective written by Arthur Heckman (Uncle Art) - performed by Steve Frost
All The Clocks, written by Steve Frost, performed by One Moment
Scoring and musical textures to The Eagle and The Mermaid Audiobook by Steve Frost and Christine Waters.
All Wedding Photos by Kristi Hager, except where noted.
Cape-Disappointment-Graveyard-of-the-Pacific, by Ben-Amstutz
Cape Disappointment Big Wave by Dave Steckler
Cape Disappointment 'Magnificent Display' by Meg McDonald - Wild Northwest Beauty Photography
Dead Man's Cove by E.B. Griffith
Other photos are either unaccredited or by Steve Frost & Christine Waters
Handmade paper and glass Manadala (behind the mermaid gift) by Angelica Ingeman
Special Audio Effects: (via the Freesound Project)
Ticking Clock captured by 'DaveInCamas' and processed by www.digifishmusic.com; Creative Commons License
Ocean Sounds provided by Kingsrow and Haldigital97; under Public Domain Creative Commons License
Chickadee song provided by www.wildearthvoices.org under Creative Commons License
Eagle sound by Daniele Salvati, under Creative Commons License